From Prep to Shine

Recently, I've been diving into some photo book projects, and as I wrapped up my latest book, I couldn't help but think about the dance of preparation in our creative ventures. For me, most of my time is spent in the prep and cleanup phases. Whether it's painting a room or baking cookies, the actual 'in the zone' creative part is just a small chunk of the whole adventure.

Take painting a room, for instance. Hours fly by as we clean walls, choose the perfect color, tape trim, and then there's the cleanup! The actual painting part? That's just a blip in time. And baking cookies? It's all about picking the recipe, gathering ingredients, and, of course, the sweet anticipation of licking the bowl before the cleanup dance begins.

Now, here's a thought. What if we cherished the prep time as much as the moments of creative flow? How would our projects change, and how could our work reach new heights? Let's celebrate the whole journey, from the exciting prep to the shining, creative finish. Because every moment, prep to flow, is a step in our creative adventure!

Allison Towe