Intentionally yours

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I’ve been here before. That uncomfortable but familiar space where I’m afraid to fail yet again. Staying the course. The nerves are intense as I lean into the fear, being with it rather than trying to conquer it.

I’ve seen the others do it. I must admit I’m a bit envious because I know I could do it too, but haven’t. I want that feeling of accomplishment, the intention of actually getting it done.  Well, with the new year comes a new chance. Don’t blow it. Instead, apply what I’ve learned. There is such joy in watching others accomplish their goals, celebrating the hard work of showing up. And to have such a wonderful, supportive community behind them, it’s yet another reason to push ahead.

Intentions like choices, bring constraints as well as new opportunities. To better keep myself on track, I opted for the choice that had weekly deliverables. While this delays or eliminates other courses I might find more fun, I felt compelled to take action.

So, this time, with intention, I chose myself. I marked up my calendar inserting those tasks that must be done in order to accomplish the goal of finally launching myself. Burned the boat. No turning back.

What if I succeed, or worse, fail again? You know what? If I do, I do. It’s part of the process. Don’t be concerned about last year or letting the outcome steer the boat. No, it’s time to stop hiding behind perfection, and feeling like I’m not enough.

The difference is this time, I intend to adhere to my practice.

Allison Towe